
What is True Love?

the course of true love never did run smooth

What is True Love?

Is it the Prayer for Truth, before falling asleep, because my chest and my heart ache; and I struggle with breathing? Or, my faith in the knowing that the answers will reveal and release the pressure of this new experience.

Is it waking up at 2:24 in the morning, reaching for the phone, curious to find a message, with mind racing thoughts that tap into some reality? Or my Spirit wanting to get my attention?

Is it tossing and turning as Truths struggle to reveal themselves and I reach for my lap top at 3:17 am? Or, my need to empty my mind and give it a rest?

reflect truth

What is True Love?

Is it all the wondering of feelings continually stirred as I struggle with the very lack of my own peace of mind? Or, the wondrous sensation of my inner joy slow dancing with my fears?

Is it the continuous measuring or comparing questions…: How much do I love him? How much does he love me? How much is enough and How much is plenty? Or, the innate need to find all the ‘right’ answers looking for ways not to get hurt?

Is it the selfish demand for self-deserving wishes of wanting it all and struggling with less? Or, settle for less; trusting the unknown depth of what we feel, to overflow into the healing of our perceived limits?


What is True Love?

Is it my desperate need to reach for the unattainable exhausting my very Soul in defeat of my own self-worth? Or, my being open and willing to receive, appreciate, or embrace what is already mine?

Is it the way I stand for what I’ve known as true for me only to let go, give in, and dive into the experience of his touch? Or, full surrender into an experience we’ve never had before?

Is it accepting what is… with its endless limits, unknown predictions, projections, or consequences? Or, accepting what is… the essence of something Sacred.

spirit touch

What is True Love?

Is it those moments when Spirit awakens ideas to express, and the very flow of inspiration searches for ways to be openly exposed? Or, the mirror of our eyes reflecting back who we are in and with each other?

Is it the sound of a song changing vibration when expressed from a deeper Source and heard from a place of clarity? Or, just an expression of our hearts harmonizing with each other?

Is it the glimpses of time preparing me to reach into the wisdom of courage, bravery, and strength when the Truth gets revealed and I must choose again, and again? Or, the serenity of his Soul reaching for mine into a sweet embrace? 

protect it

What is True Love?

Is it my hearing of what he says? Or, the filters he’d rather remove from my ears so that I may hear his certainty? 

Is it my understanding that the shame, guilt, or fear can take the lead and our Soul connection may be placed in second, third or fourth position? Or, my humanness insisting that everything and nothing is certainly possible.

Is it my battle to defend the unknown and the knowing of my seeming truth? Or, my desire to fall on my knees, with open arms, and give into his clarity?

true love eyes open

What is True Love?

Is it my rambling thoughts, going around in circles, trying to sort all the pieces of a two-piece puzzle? Or, the simple senses that surface in an attempted glimpse of another kiss?

Is it my fears reminding me that what comes suddenly, unexpectedly, and with intense emotion, can also disappear in seconds? Or, the sense of fog that forces me to take one step at a time because that is all that can be seen in the moment? 

Is it the need to write again, if only to capture moments I want to remember? Or, my need to document my thoughts because I’m still searching for the deeper truth of this “What is Love?” experience?

no ending

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